Welcome to the Harbour Village website. We are a sub-community of the Lakes, located in Tempe, Arizona. Some pages of this website are protected.
The password is the north gate entry code.
This is our latest Community News Letter: HVNews_2024-12
For the latest meeting minutes and updates, see the Documents folder
7pm Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 at the Lakes Clubhouse
On September 24th our Parking Policy was updated. This is the new policy with an update letter from the board. 2024_09 HV Parking Policy Update
Here is an article about Harbour Village that Debbie found. It is from the 1988 issue of the magazine Foresight, when some parts of Harbour Village were brand new. 1988 Harbour Village article
Here is some information on Instant Hot Water systems that would help us save water Instant Hot Water
Link to The Lakes website